Super Pear Down will begin soon. The burning in my guts constantly reminds me this is something I must do. This Is Something I Must Do. I am excited and also terrified. Thank you for waiting on me to get my act together. I really appreciate it! I am trying to harness all the energy, mana, and positivity I can and funnel that into my silly brain. I talked to a good friend of mine on the phone today for about an hour or so. It was much needed and I can only recommend you do the same. If there is someone you haven’t heard from in a while, reach out! Yell “Wassup!” Say “How are you? How has in been?” At worst, you could catch up with an old friend. At best, that conversation could give you the push you need to get over those insurmountable hurdles in front of you. I cannot wait to get moving on this project and I hope you enjoy the journey. Be good and be kind, even when it’s hard. And it’s always hard. u_u
<3 SPD